Nothing But Fluff

Life can be a serious affair. It feels good now and then to talk fluff. There are simple pleasures that are worth mentioning. Here you can read funny stories, happy thoughts, favorite recipes, and any other fluff that I dream up. (Some posts were originally published on MySpace).

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Location: New Brunswick, Canada

Shallow, I'm not. I ponder almost everything. Every book I read or movie I watch evokes something to discuss. I thrive on learning and growing to be a better example. Uncaring, I'm not. I'm a sincere friend, a loving mom, and a caring daughter. Apathetic, I'm not. I'm extremely passionate, especially about doing the right thing. I speak up in classes, tutor others, talk to strangers in stores, and love deeply. Boring, I'm not. I write essays, letters, poetry, and some fiction; take classes; cook from scratch; ride horses; ice skate; play with my dogs; go to the beach for a picnic; go out for Sushi; watch classic movies; read non-fiction, autobiographies, classic literature, and young adult novels; and get to know people on the inside. Reserved, I'm not. I speak openly about my past, candidly about my present, and enthusiastically about my deepest dreams for the future. Because I ask an enormous amount of questions, have an excellent memory, and listen well, not a day goes by that I don't learn something. Yet, I'll never claim to know it all.

Friday, August 12, 2005


There's an old expression, "You're not safe from surprises until you're dead." I know this is true, yet I continue to say, "I thought I'd seen everything." Why am I still amazed that I'm being surprised by life?

In the beginning, it was exciting coming up with creative subject lines for my e-mails to online friends. They were titles for my various essays. They were questions to inspire others. Now, I can't tell you how many times I just click reply and go with what was there. I won't however allow a triple RE: RE: RE: to slip by. That's beyond laziness. That's sheer idiocy.

So, with the latest e-mail pal, I began the practice of writing, Happy Monday or Happy Tuesday, whatever day of the week it was. On one particular Wednesday, my e-mail pal beat me to it. For some reason, her letter was filtered to the spam folder. I thought, Wow, something has finally gone in there. No SPAM ever had.

I saw it was from my friend. I thought, Why is this here?

Then I saw the reason. It was her subject line. She'd written Happy Hump Day.

And to think, I'd thought again, that I'd seen everything.

Now, she writes on Wednesdays, Happy Naughty Word Day. That one doesn't go to the SPAM folder.

I think Cox has something against camels not sex.


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