I'm a funny gal. Not a day goes by that I don't have some passing thought that makes me bust out into a hearty laugh. Today, I received an e-mail from an online friend. She said her sister had given her a book. It was called
Captivating, Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul. Well, I thought, I'll go online and read the opening chapter. Several book companies allow that. I didn't find it at amazon.com, but I did find a .pdf file for download through Google. I began reading the first twenty-five pages of the book. As I read, I contemplated my life. I got to this one part and with it came this passing thought. I couldn't stop laughing. I had to tell my funny thought to someone and no one was home. So, here I am on my blog. It's the perfect spot. I can record these silly thoughts as they come and someone, someday, will read them and laugh out loud too.
The author was talking about God. "God made man in his own image ...man and woman he created them. " That's as far as I got.
I thought, You know, man tried to do that once. And boy, did it fail!
I was thinking of course of the fictional Dr. Frankenstein. He brought a man to life. Later, he created his version of Eve, the Bride of Frankenstein. And do you know what happened?
She took one look at her intended and screamed bloody murder.
I couldn't stop laughing over this. Can you imagine what would have happened if Eve had done that?
Maybe she did. After all, every account of those days didn't make into the Bible and Adam was, after all, missing a rib. How gross!
Maybe she saw him as damaged goods. She also must have found him on the skinny side. She kept offering him food.
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