MYSPACE: [May 17, 2007] WHAT THE?
Current mood: giggly
Category: Life
A friend of my sons, Ian, was at home talking on the phone with one of his friends. His mother overhead some of Ian's responses to things that his friend said.
Ian said, "I'm not trip-in' any more."
Later in the day, his mother eyed him suspiciously and then asked, "Are you high on Trippin?"
Ian related this story later to my sons who later related it to me. We all busted a gut laughing.
My son Mark said, "Did she miss the 70s or something?"
I said, "I know. How could anyone not know how this slang term is used?"
My daughter said, after she stopped laughing, "It's like the stuff urban legends are made of. It's hard to believe someone truly would say that."
When I told my friend Kirk, he said, "Yeah, like that scene from the Star Trek movie that's based in San Francisco. Captain Kirk, thinking that he's hip and understands the current Earth vernacular, explains Spock's strange behavior (Spock's not sounding like an Earthling) as Spock having used too much LDS in the early 70s.
So now, as a family, we use this expression of Ian's mother whenever one of us is acting goofy. "Are you high on TRIPin?
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